Lucas Pavement Maintenance & Construction LLC

Phone search

To find a phone in the directory, enter the text (or part of it). For a more precise search, enter multiple words separated by commas. Specify what you want to find and click the 'Search' button. By default, 'Find phone' is selected, and the search will be conducted only by phone number. But you can search for an email address, website, company name, text in a business description, or an address in a directory. To do this, switch the search button to the desired one. To search for an address, enter the street and/or house in the separate fields.
Views: 36


Established in 2000, Lucas Pavement is a commercial and industrial asphalt pavement contractor providing Sealcoating, Pavement Marking, Asphalt Repair, Asphalt Paving, Concrete Repair and new construction of asphalt pavement surfaces including parking lots and roadways. With over 20 years of experience in the asphalt industry, we are experts at all types of asphalt maintenance and repairs including patching, milling, resurfacing, and complete asphalt replacement and reconstruction. Contact us


Lucas Pavement Maintenance & Construction LLC is located in 3603 Hillandale Dr, Kinston, NC, 28504


3603, Hillandale Dr, Kinston, North Carolina

tel. 12525268092
Actual on 11.06.2022

You can add your contact information to the directory yourself. Then more Internet users will be able to find you, learn about your business, and you will get more customers. To add information about your business to the directory, click on the button below this text and follow the instructions. Fields to fill out will be added as the form is completed. You can also upload your company logo or a photo that would describe your business and description of your activities. This way you will be better known. After verifying the information and confirming your identity by email, you will be given access to your personal account, where you can add, delete or change your information yourself. In your personal account, you can add your contacts to several sections at once, to facilitate the search, specify several phone numbers and addresses, or update the date of relevance of your information without creating new ads. The date of relevance is displayed on company cards. So users can see that the contacts are not outdated.
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